Rio+20 GYMC! Rio+20 GYMC!! Rio+20 GYMC!!! Let the Music Talk!!!

Who Are Eligible

Who can participate?

The contest is open to children and youth from all nationalities, regions, sex, background and religions of the world, who care about their contribution to achieve a sustainable world and their role to energize the work of the United Nations. We are seeking for students, activists, leaders, young professionals and other children and youth who strongly believe in the transformative power of non - formal educational means of communication like music and creative arts. The contest is organized in two different categories: 
Children: Children and school classes aged up to 14 years by the 31st June 2012 are eligible to participate and submit a music video. They can be mentored by teachers, artists, activists, musicians, and others. Schools are encouraged to use Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest in the context of UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development. See the reference a the following link:

Youth: Young people from all backgrounds aged from 15 to 30 years by the 31st June 2012 are eligible to participate in the contest. If you are over 30 years of age you can still support the contest by encouraging young people in your region, your country, your city or your community to participate.

For more info: sustainable-development/