Selection of the Contest Winners
The selection of the Winners will take place in 3 phases:
Phase one will be the selection of three (3) National Finalists in each category from each participating country. A National Coordinator for the contest selected by IAAI will facilitate this process and form a National Jury that will evaluate all submissions and select finalists.
Phase two. Here all National Finalists in each category from all participating countries in the same continent will compete with each other. A Regional Jury will work to select the three (3) best music videos from the region (continent). The winners will become Regional Finalists and the Regional Coordinator selected by IAAI will facilitate this process and form the selecting jury. A full list of participating regions continents and countries can be found at:
Phase three. All Regional Finalists selected by their respective jury will then compete at the global level for a place in the winners. There will be three (3) Winners in each category. They will be selected through an online voting process and voting by mobile phones. The winning entries in each category will be those with the most votes from registered online voters. The online voting process will be launched in March 2012 in New York in the context of an intersessional meeting for the preparation of Rio+20 United Nations Conference for Sustainable Development and will close in May 2012 (exact dates will be announced soon). All the six (6) winners will be notified and contacted in May 2012 by IAAI through the contact details provided online.
The decision taken by the jury is final and not subject to dispute or change.
Selection criteria
All submissions will be evaluated according to their relevance with the theme of the contest. Other selection criteria are originality, creativity, clarity of ideas and the relevance of proposed examples addressing the Rio+20 Conference topics from applicant‟s personal experience. Technical quality of submissions will not be a key selection criterion, because applicants could lack technical capacity or equipment to create high definition music video. the However the music video must at least ensure a clear image and a clear sound.
Awards and Award Ceremony
The three (3) Winners from both categories will all attend the Award Ceremony which is planned to take place in July 2012 in Austria in the format of a Global Challenges Song World Cup Gala Night 2012 which shall be broadcasted live on TV globally and raise awareness of outcomes of Rio+20 Conference. The winners can expect to receive broad recognition of their music and work through various networks. All expenses related to travel, accommodation and visa will be covered by IAAI.
From 4th to 6th June 2012 the first place Winner of each category will participate in the Rio+20 United Nations Conference for Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and will perform during a Rio+20 Global Youth Music Concert. They might also meet with the Secretary-general of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, and be mentored by some United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors. All expenses related to travel, accommodation and visa will be covered by IAAI.